Tree & Shrub Care

Professional Tree & Shrub Care in Knoxville

a 2-story grey house with a balcony

Emerald Island Lawn Service provides professional care for your ornamental landscaping plants, such as trees and shrubs. Our full-time, dedicated, and highly-trained horticultural specialists have the knowledge and experience to take care of your prized trees and shrubs.

From the time you receive your first professional evaluation of your landscaping, you get personalized attention and customized care. During each visit, we inspect and evaluate your trees and shrubs for signs of distress or other problems. We inspect and treat insects and feed your ornamental plants with deep-root fertilizers for optimal color and growth.

While our regular tree and shrub treatments provide protection and nutrition for your plants, we want your entire landscape to benefit from this care. For this reason, we leave a detailed tree and shrub update after each application. This special update gives details about our treatment as well as specific information on pruning, mulching, watering, and other seasonal or horticultural information relevant to the health of your landscape.

Highest-Quality Products

We use only the highest-quality products. Everything we use on your landscape, from dormant oils to fungicides, is hand-picked to treat your trees and shrubs and designed to address your precise conditions.

Why Choose Our Tree & Shrub Care

paver path through green landscaping leading to a home
  • Our highly-trained, professional tree & shrub specialists know what problems to look for and how to solve them throughout the growing season
  • Individually tailored treatments are based explicitly on the needs of your landscape
  • Our custom-blended fertilizers are injected into the root-zone of your valuable plants to enrich the soil and increase the nutrient levels, providing for a healthier and longer-lived tree.
  • Horticultural oil treatments will control those stubborn overwintering insects and mite pests
  • Regular monitoring, inspection, and evaluation means your plants are treated as needed, minimizing any worries and concerns about your landscape
  • You can rest assured your landscape is in good hands
  • Emerald Island Lawn Service will improve and maintain the health and vigor of your landscape, and healthy beautiful scenery will enhance the value of your home
  • When using our full treatment program, if for any reason, we need to apply extra pest control or fertilizer between regular visits, we’ll do so free of charge.

Having a great looking lawn adds to the enjoyment of your home throughout the year. Our service ensures that your lawn stays healthy, looks good, and remains a positive asset for your entire property. The secret to offering quality lawn care services is having a great lawn care team dedicated to providing the best lawn care service possible. Contact the Emerald Island Lawn Service team to hear more about all of our lawn care services in Knoxville.

a well landscaped garden with a grass walkway

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